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Nuestros servicios

Ofrecemos terapia para quienes buscan:

  • strategies to manage stress in healthy ways.

  • regaining control over one's health & well-being in today's world.

  • "golden years" folks! We specialize in concerns specific to those with extended life experience.

  • mindfulness instruction.

  • more control over emotions.

  • Comprehensive DBT Programs for adolescents or adults.

  • freedom from the clutches of unhealthy substances.

  • control over suicidal thoughts or self-harm urges.

  • improved teen-parent relationships.

  • therapy for children or adolescents.

  • more fulfilling relationships.

  • recovery from domestic violence or painful relationships.

  • improvement in symptoms of anxiety and/or depression.

  • decreased tendency to act on impulsive urges or intense emotions.

  • management of school-related stressors.

  • healing from traumatic experiences.

  • coping skillfully with challenging life events.

  • managing chronic illness or chronic pain.

  • building a life worth living after a major life change (death of loved one, job change, divorce, new disability or illness, losses, identity changes).

  • managing stress of professional occupations (such as: teachers, nurses, first responders, physicians, probation officers).

  • treatment tailored to concerns of veterans.

  • court-ordered mental health treatment.

  • mental health guidance coping with the legal system.

  • anxiety management classes.

  • classes to learn crisis management skills.

Evidence Based Treatment & Approaches

Después de una evaluación clínica exhaustiva, su terapeuta trabajará con usted para desarrollar un programa terapéutico que le permita alcanzar sus objetivos mediante el uso de tratamientos basados en evidencia. Estos programas utilizan estrategias que han demostrado su eficacia y se basan en investigaciones científicas.

Enfoques de tratamiento:

  • Terapia dialéctica conductual (DBT)

  • Reducción del estrés basada en la atención plena

  • Terapia cognitivo conductual

  • Terapia centrada en soluciones

  • Terapia dialéctica conductual (DBT) Exposición prolongada

  • Terapia de reprocesamiento cognitivo

  • Terapia de aceptación y compromiso (ACT)

Support for Professionals

  • Enfermeras, médicos, dentistas, higienistas dentales, profesores, líderes empresariales, investigadores, estudiantes de medicina, estudiantes de enfermería.

  • Encontrar el equilibrio entre la vida profesional y la vida familiar.

  • Cuidarse a uno mismo cuando las exigencias para cuidar a los demás son altas.

  • Encuentre los métodos de gestión del estrés más eficientes que funcionen para usted.

  • Responder a los conflictos entre compañeros de trabajo y entre miembros de la familia de maneras que no agoten su energía.

  • Establecer límites saludables.

  • Apoyo en un entorno privado y seguro con sesiones de vídeo disponibles para eliminar el tiempo de viaje y aumentar la privacidad.

Rock Maze

Cumplimiento para los mayores

  • transitioning to retirement 

  • figuring out how to balance care of self with care of others

  • feeling lonely because there is no one else, or others are not close by

  • feeling sad, lonesome and/or afraid

  • struggling with physical illnesses or declining health

  • difficulty setting healthy limits

  • "I just need someone to talk to"

  • looking for someone to support you on your next adventure

  • "Oh my gosh, now my tax form says "SR!" "I don't feel old .. and I want to create fulfilling years."

  • We are here for you! Cindy and Kelly are in-network with Medicare and specialize in these concerns. All our appointments are by video, so you do not have to leave your home or arrange transportation. 

Tratamiento para veteranos y personal de primeros auxilios


Therapists have specialized training and experience in working with veterans and first responders. We are aware of the unique experiences and concerns you have that are not shared by the general population.

For veterans, we accept referrals from your community care case manager at the VA (Department of Veteran Affairs). However, a referral is not required for treatment should you wish to contact us of your own accord. We are in-network with UHC-VACCN. To get started, either call our intake number (815.575.9675) or ask your community care case manager to make an outside referral.

If you are a law enforcement officer, paramedic, or fire fighter, call our intake number directly. We will walk beside you on your journey to a more peaceful life. 

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